= Region(left=0, top=0, right=1280, bottom=720)
reg reg
Region(left=0, top=0, right=1280, bottom=720)
Region (left:int, top:int, right:int, bottom:int)
a Region
defines the four corners of the box to be recorded.
Region(left=0, top=0, right=1280, bottom=720)
Window (app_name:str, sub_region:__main__.Region=None)
Window(app_name='notepad.exe', sub_region=Region(left=0, top=0, right=1280, bottom=720))
a Window
represents our reference to an application and the Region
within we want to record. when Region
is None
, we record the entire application window.
VisualEventObservation (timestamp:datetime.datetime, data:Any)
is the visual stimuli collected and the timestamp it was observed.
SoundSequenceObservation (start_timestamp:datetime.datetime, end_timestamp:datetime.datetime, data:Any)
is an observed audio sequence for a fixed period of time
GamepadEventObservation (timestamp:datetime.datetime, code:str, state:int)
is the gamepad event observed and the timestamp it was observed.
VibrationEventObservation (timestamp:datetime.datetime, motor:str, speed:float)
is the vibration event observed and the timestamp it was observed.
DiscreteEvent (event_index:int, timestamp:datetime.datetime, VisualEvents:List[__main__.VisualEventObservation], GamepadEvents:List[__main__.GamepadEventObservation], VibrationEvents:List[__main__.VibrationEventObservation], SoundSequence:__main__.SoundSequenceObservation)
is the representation formed via observing a slice of time
Episode (events:List[__main__.DiscreteEvent], meta_data:Dict[str,Any])
is the representation of a sequence of DiscreteEvent
s and the contextualizing meta_data
we decide to record with it.