Data Utils

the place the functions for handling data in more convenient ways.

dataclass convenience functions



 f_data_class_to_dict (thing:object)

Convert a dataclass object to a dictionary.

Parameters: - thing: the object to convert to a dictionary

Returns: - a dictionary representation of the object



 f_to_dict (item)

Convert the given item to a dictionary.

Parameters: - item: the object to convert to a dictionary

Returns: - a dictionary representation of the object



 f_get_hash (item:object, prefix:str='h1')

Generate a hash of the given item.

Parameters: - item: the object to generate a hash for - prefix: a prefix to include in the generated hash (default ‘h1_’)

Returns: - a bytes object containing the generated hash

originally inspired by



 f_from_dict (item:Dict[str,Any])

Convert a dictionary to an object.

Parameters: - item: the dictionary to convert to an object

Returns: - an object representation of the dictionary



 f_data_class_from_dict (type_:type, data:Dict[str,Any])

Convert a dictionary to a dataclass object.

Parameters: - type_: the type of object to create - data: the dictionary to convert to an object

Returns: - an object of the specified type, initialized with the data from the dictionary



 f_dict_to_obj (d:Dict[str,Any], cls:Type[~T])

Convert a dictionary to an object of the given class.

Parameters: - d: the dictionary to convert to an object - cls: the class to use for creating the object

Returns: - an object of the given class, initialized with the values from the dictionary


def test_f_get_hash():
    # Test generating a hash for a simple object
    obj = {"key": "value"}
    expected_hash = 'h1_a7353f7cddce808de0032747a0b7be50'
    assert f_get_hash(obj) == expected_hash

def test_f_to_dict():
    # Test converting a simple object to a dictionary
    obj = {"key": "value"}
    expected_dict = {"key": "value"}
    assert f_to_dict(obj) == expected_dict

    # Test converting a datetime object to a dictionary
    obj = datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0)
    expected_dict = "2020-01-01T12:00:00"
    assert f_to_dict(obj) == expected_dict

def test_f_data_class_to_dict():
    # Define a simple data class
    class DataClass:
        field1: str
        field2: int

    # Test converting a data class object to a dictionary
    obj = DataClass("value1", 123)
    expected_dict = {"field1": "value1", "field2": 123}

    assert f_data_class_to_dict(obj) == expected_dict

class DataClass:
    field1: str
    field2: int
def test_f_from_dict():
    # Define a simple data class
    # Test converting a dictionary to a data class object
    obj_dict = {"__type__": "DataClass", "__module__": __name__, "field1": "value1", "field2": 123}
    expected_obj = DataClass("value1", 123)
    assert f_from_dict(obj_dict) == expected_obj

def test_dict_to_obj():
    # Define a simple class
    class SimpleClass:
        def __init__(self, field1, field2):
            self.field1 = field1
            self.field2 = field2
        def __eq__(self, other):
            # Compare the field values of the objects
            return self.field1 == other.field1 and self.field2 == other.field2

    # Test converting a dictionary to an object
    obj_dict = {"field1": "value1", "field2": 123}
    expected_obj = SimpleClass("value1", 123)

    # Convert the dictionary to an object
    obj = f_dict_to_obj(obj_dict, SimpleClass)

    assert obj == expected_obj